CSI, KND, BMHECs,          


Participate in student Satisfaction survey (SSS) conducted by NAAC

Dear Students,

NACC (National Assessment and Accreditation Council) has endeavored to conduct a student satisfaction survey (SSS) the results of which will encompass the accreditation process. The Survey will capture student responses from the list of students provided by our college (Higher Education Institutes). This survey is conducted directly by NACC to give an opportunity to the students to have their say in assessment and quality improvement process.

            NACC will send line link of the survey to the email address of the students provided by our college and the student will have to complete and submit the survey in a stipulated time.

Rate your Institution:

The questionnaire is based on the Likert type scale that means the students will have to give responses on a scale of 0 to 4, with the most positive response being rated as 4 and the most negative response being rated as 0. Analysis of the survey is done using software which will aggregate the responses and generates the score of Student Satisfaction survey which is important Key Indicator in overall grade of institution.

Suggest Improvements

In SSS twenty of the twenty one questions will be objective in nature, which one question is open ended to elicit observations and suggestions for improvements thereby providing an opportunity to the student to five suggestions and criticisms in their own words. The questionnaire consists of several facets of the teaching learning process.

Identity Not Disclosed

            Students are randomly selected to survey by system. Except particular student nobody will know which students have received the SSS email and what they have responded. Thus the students will remain anonymous throughout the process.

More details on survey are available on NACC web site

: http/www/nacc.govt.in/apply-now

Students Survey has 30 to 50 weightage in the scoring of institutional Grade and hence responses from students can play a critical role in determining institutional grade. It is desired that active participation of students in survey will not only empower the students but also help institutions in continuous quality improvement through student engagement.


Ø If you have any queries kindly contact: Coordinator of IQAC

            Name:                                       Dr.Raju G. 

Mobile Number:                  9481459291

Email Address:                    drrajugp@gmail.com


       NACC Help Desk:            91-080-23005192, 193

Email Address: naachelpdesk@gamil.com

2.7 Student Satisfaction Survey

2.7.1 Student Satisfaction Survey